// thinkbeforecoding

Applicative Computation Expressions - 3

2020-12-03T09:21:51 / jeremie chassaing

this post is part of the F# Advent Calendar 2020

In this third installment of our series about applicative computation experessions, we'll jump to practice with Lego Mindstorm Ev3. This should demonstrate a non trivial, real life use case for applicatives.

Even if you don't have a mindstorm set at home, follow this post. We'll mix binary protocols and category theory - lightly explained - to provide a nice and safe API.

Mindstorm control over bluetooth

A few years back, I wrote a quick fsx script to control lego mindstorm in F#. I worked again on it recently to port it to net5.0.

Once paired and connected, the brick - the central component of Mindstom used to drive motors and read sensors - appears as a serial port, COM9 on my machine. If you're using a linux system, it should appear as /dev/ttyS9 (or another number).

System.IO.SerialPort is available directly in Net framework, and as a nuget in netcore and net5.0. Add the reference to your project, or use the #r nuget reference in a F# 5.0 script:

#r "nuget: System.IO.Ports"

We will read/write bytes using the SerialPort and ReadOnlyMemory buffers. We'll soon go in more details.


The most interesting part is the Request/Response mechanism used for sensors. We write the request on the serial port by using port.Write, but get the response through an notification of the port.DataReceived event.

The request response is asynchronous, and it would be far easier to present it in the API as an Async construct.

When sending a request, we must include a mandatory sequence number in int. This sequence number will the be transmitted in the corresponding response for correlation.

type Sequence = uint16

We will use this sequence number and a MailboxProcessor to implement Async in a responseDispatcher. It accepts two kinds of messages.

Request contains a Sequence number and a callback to call when the response bytes are available.

Forward contains a Sequence number and corresponding bytes.

open System
open System.Threading
open System.Text
open System.Buffers
open System.Buffers.Binary

type Dispatch =
    | Request of sequence: Sequence * (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit)
    | Forward of sequence: Sequence * ReadOnlyMemory<byte>

The mailbox processor is using an async rec function to process messages. On a Request message, it adds the callback to a Map under the sequence number key. On a Forward message, it finds the callback corresponding to the sequence number and call it with the data:

let responseDispatcher() =
    <| fun mailbox ->
        let rec loop requests =
            async {
                let! message = mailbox.Receive()
                let newMap =
                    match message with
                    | Request(sequence, reply) ->
                        Map.add sequence reply requests
                    | Forward(sequence, response) ->
                        match Map.tryFind sequence requests with
                        | Some reply -> 
                            reply response
                            Map.remove sequence requests
                        | None -> requests
                return! loop newMap }
        loop Map.empty

The callback in the Request message is create using PostAndAsyncReply. The result is an Async that is competed when the callback is called.

With this in place we can implement the Brick:

type Brick( name ) =
    // create the port
    let port = new IO.Ports.SerialPort(name,115200)

    // the dispatcher for request/response async
    let dispatcher = responseDispatcher()

    // the mutable sequence number to provide unique numbers 
    let mutable sequence = 0

    member _.Connect() =
        // open the port
        let reader = new IO.BinaryReader(port.BaseStream)

        // register to receive data notifications
        port.DataReceived |> Event.add (fun e ->
            if e.EventType = IO.Ports.SerialData.Chars then
                //the response start with the size
                let size = reader.ReadInt16()
                let response = reader.ReadBytes(int size)
                // and contains the sequence number as first 2 bytes
                let sequence = BitConverter.ToUInt16(response, 0)
                // we can then send it to the dispatcher
                dispatcher.Post(Forward(sequence, ReadOnlyMemory response))

    // gets new sequence number
    member _.GetNextSequence() =
        Interlocked.Increment(&sequence) |> uint16

    // write to the SerialPort
    member _.AsyncWrite (data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>) = 
        let task = port.BaseStream.WriteAsync(data)
        // check synchronously if the ValueTask is completed
        if task.IsCompleted then
            async.Return ()
            // else fallback on Task
            Async.AwaitTask (task.AsTask())

    // send a request using specified sequence number
    // and await the corresponding response
    member this.AsyncRequest(sequence, data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>) =
        async {
            do! this.AsyncWrite(data)
            return!  dispatcher.PostAndAsyncReply(fun reply -> Request(sequence, fun response -> reply.Reply(response)))

    interface IDisposable with
        member __.Dispose() = port.Close()

Commands Serialization

Now that we can easily send bytes over the serial port, we need to serialize commands.

the format is :

0 - ushort : bytes size
2 - ushort : sequence number
4 - byte   : command type (direct/system, reply/noreply)
5 - ushort : global size (size of return values)
7 ...      : commands bytes

It is possible to send several commands in a single call.

Command type

The command type is encoded on a single byte. bit 0 indicates whether it's a direct command (activating motors/sensors) or system command (uploading/downloading files). Bit 7 indicates whether we expect a reply. We'll not use system commands in this post.

module CommandType =
    let directReply = 0x00uy
    let directNoReply = 0x80uy
    let systemReply = 0x01uy
    let systemNoReply = 0x81uy


The type of command is indicated by a 1 or 2 bytes opcode. Here is an enum of the different opcodes supported by Ev3:

type Opcode =
    | UIRead_GetFirmware = 0x810a
    | UIWrite_LED = 0x821b
    | UIButton_Pressed = 0x8309
    | UIDraw_Update = 0x8400
    | UIDraw_Clean = 0x8401
    | UIDraw_Pixel = 0x8402
    | UIDraw_Line = 0x8403
    | UIDraw_Circle = 0x8404
    | UIDraw_Text = 0x8405
    | UIDraw_FillRect = 0x8409
    | UIDraw_Rect = 0x840a
    | UIDraw_InverseRect = 0x8410
    | UIDraw_SelectFont = 0x8411
    | UIDraw_Topline = 0x8412
    | UIDraw_FillWindow = 0x8413
    | UIDraw_DotLine = 0x8415
    | UIDraw_FillCircle = 0x8418
    | UIDraw_BmpFile = 0x841c
    | Sound_Break = 0x9400
    | Sound_Tone = 0x9401
    | Sound_Play = 0x9402
    | Sound_Repeat = 0x9403
    | Sound_Service = 0x9404
    | InputDevice_GetTypeMode = 0x9905
    | InputDevice_GetDeviceName = 0x9915
    | InputDevice_GetModeName = 0x9916
    | InputDevice_ReadyPct = 0x991b
    | InputDevice_ReadyRaw = 0x991c
    | InputDevice_ReadySI = 0x991d
    | InputDevice_ClearAll = 0x990a
    | InputDevice_ClearChanges = 0x991a
    | InputRead = 0x9a
    | InputReadExt = 0x9e
    | InputReadSI = 0x9d
    | OutputStop = 0xa3
    | OutputPower = 0xa4
    | OutputSpeed = 0xa5
    | OutputStart = 0xa6
    | OutputPolarity = 0xa7
    | OutputReady = 0xaa
    | OutputStepPower = 0xac
    | OutputTimePower = 0xad
    | OutputStepSpeed = 0xae
    | OutputTimeSpeed = 0xaf
    | OutputStepSync = 0xb0
    | OutputTimeSync = 0xb1

and the list of system opcodes (not used)

type SystemOpcode =
    | BeginDownload = 0x92
    | ContinueDownload = 0x93
    | CloseFileHandle = 0x98
    | CreateDirectory = 0x9b
    | DeleteFile = 0x9c

To help with the serialization in a Span we define some inline helpers:

module Buffer =
    let inline write value (buffer: Span<byte>) =
        buffer.[0] <- value

    let inline writeUint16 (value:uint16) (buffer: Span<byte>) =
        BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16LittleEndian(buffer, value)

    let inline writeUint16BE (value:uint16) (buffer: Span<byte>) =
        BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16BigEndian(buffer, value)

    let inline writeUInt32 (value:uint32) (buffer:Span<byte>) =
        BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32LittleEndian(buffer, value)

    let inline writeString (s: string) (buffer: Span<byte>) =
        let len = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s.AsSpan(), buffer)

Each of these functions writes a value at the beginning of the span and slices the appropriate size to return a new span starting just after the value that was just written.

Using this we can write the serializeOpcode function:

let serializeOpcode op buffer =
    if op > enum 0xff then
        // this is a 2 bytes opcode
        // it is serialized in big endian format
        Buffer.writeUint16BE (uint16 op) buffer
        // this is a 1 byte opode
        Buffer.write (byte op) buffer

In order to allocate the buffer, we need to compute the total size. The following functions returns the size for an opcode:

let opcodeLength code =
    if code > enum 0xff then 2 else 1


Each opcode is followed by a given number of parameters containing the mandatory values for the operation.

We define a union type to represents different parameter types and their values:

type Parameter =
    | Byte of uint8
    | UShort of uint16
    | UInt of uint32
    | String of string
    | GlobalIndex of uint8

All types are pretty explicit except the last one. GlobalIndex is used to indicate a byte offset in a response data. We'll use it later.

Each argument is composed of a 1 byte prefix indicating it's type/size, followed by the value itself. Here are the different prefixes:

module ParamSize =
    let byte = 0x81uy
    let short = 0x82uy
    let int = 0x83uy
    let string = 0x84uy
    let globalIndex = 0xe1uy

Now we can serialize a parameter and get its length:

let serializeParam p (buffer: Span<byte>) =
    match p with
    | Byte v ->
        let b = Buffer.write ParamSize.byte buffer
        Buffer.write v b
    | UShort v ->
        let b = Buffer.write ParamSize.short buffer
        Buffer.writeUint16 v b
    | UInt v ->
        let b = Buffer.write ParamSize.int buffer
        Buffer.writeUInt32 v b
    | String s ->
        let b = Buffer.write ParamSize.string buffer
        let b =  Buffer.writeString s b
        Buffer.write 0uy b
    | GlobalIndex v -> 
        let b = Buffer.write ParamSize.globalIndex buffer
        Buffer.write v b

let paramLength = function
    | Byte _ | GlobalIndex _ -> 2
    | UShort _ -> 3
    | UInt _ -> 5
    | String l -> Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount l + 2

So we can define a command as a union:

type Command =
    | Direct of Opcode * Parameter list
    // we will not model SystemCommand here
    // | SystemCommand of SystemOpcode * Parameter list

Computing the size of a command is fairly straightforward:

let length =
    | Direct(code, parameters) ->
        opcodeLength code + List.sumBy paramLength parameters 

The serialization is a bit more complicated if we want to loop on parameters using a recursive function. The reason is that F# doesn't currently support Span<T> -> Span<T> function parameters. This signature is used by our serializers that take a Span, write at the beginning an returns a shorter span starting after written bytes. To workaround this problem we have to use a plain delegate:

type Serializer<'t> = delegate of 't * Span<byte> -> Span<byte>

let rec serializeAll (f: 't Serializer) (ps: 't list) (b: Span<byte>) =
    match ps with
    | [] -> b
    | p :: t ->
        let b' = f.Invoke(p, b)
        serializeAll f t b'

The serializeAll function takes a Serializer, a list of values and a buffer. It serializes all elements in the list using the serializer and returns a span that starts just after the bytes we just wrote.

We use it to implement serializeCommand:

let serializeCommand command (buffer: Span<byte>) =
    match command with
    | Direct (op, p) ->
        let b = serializeOpcode op buffer
        serializeAll (Serializer serializeParam) p b

Putting it all together

We can now proceed to the serialize function that allocates memory from the MemoryPool, writes each part using the functions we defined above, and returns a memory owner. The memory owner has to be disposed to return the memory to the pool.

It takes a command list and serialize all the commands using serializeAll:

let serialize sequence commandType globalSize commands =
    let length = 5 + List.sumBy length commands // there is a 5 bytes header
    let rental = MemoryPool.Shared.Rent(length+2) // plus the 2 bytes for size
    let mem = rental.Memory.Slice(0,length+2)

    let buffer = mem.Span
    let b = Buffer.writeUint16 (uint16 length) buffer // 2 bytes size
    let b = Buffer.writeUint16 sequence b   // 2 bytes sequence number
    let b = Buffer.write commandType b      // 1 byte command type
    let b = Buffer.writeUint16 globalSize b // 2 bytes globalSize of response
    let _ = serializeAll (Serializer serializeCommand) commands b // commands bytes
    { new IMemoryOwner<byte> with 
        member _.Memory = mem
        member _.Dispose() = rental.Dispose() }

And we write a send function that takes a list of commands, serialize them and sends the result to the brick:

let send commands =
    fun (brick: Brick) ->
        async {
            // generates a sequence number
            let sequence = brick.GetNextSequence()
            // serialize the commands in a Memory buffer
            // (that will be disposed at the end of the call)
            use memory =
                |> serialize sequence CommandType.directNoReply 0us
            // send it to the brick
            do! brick.AsyncWrite(Memory.op_Implicit memory.Memory)

Defining commands

We're now ready to define commands in a more friendly way.

For instance the startMotor command can be called with a list of output ports (the ones on the top of the brick calls A, B, C and D):

type OutputPort =
    | A 
    | B
    | C
    | D

Ports are encoded as a Byte parameter with bit 0 set for A, 1 for B, 2 for C, and 3 for D:

let port p =
    |> List.fold (fun v p ->
        v ||| match p with
              | A -> 0x01uy
              | B -> 0x02uy
              | C -> 0x04uy
              | D -> 0x08uy) 0uy
    |> Byte

startMotor is using the OutputStart opcode followed by two parameters: a 0 byte , and a port byte.

let startMotor ports =
            [Byte 0uy; port ports])

stopMotor is using the OutputStop opcode followed by the same parameters, and an extra Break value encoded as a 0 or 1 byte:

type Brake =
    | Brake
    | NoBrake
    static member toByte b =
        match b with
        | Brake -> 0x01uy
        | NoBrake -> 0x00uy
        |> Byte 

let stopMotor ports brake = 
            [Byte 0uy; port ports; Brake.toByte brake ])

Here are a few more commands:

type Power = Power of uint8
let power p =
    if p < -100 || p > 100 then
        invalidArg "p" "Power should be between -100 and 100"
    Power (uint8 p)

/// wait for the end of previous command
let outputReady ports =
            [ Byte 0uy; port ports;])

let turnMotorAtPower ports (Power power) =
            [Byte 0uy; port ports; Byte power])

let turnMotorAtSpeedForTime' ports speed msRampUp msConstant msRampDown brake =
            [Byte 0uy
             port ports
             Byte (byte speed)
             UInt msRampUp
             UInt msConstant
             UInt msRampDown
             Brake.toByte brake])

let turnMotorAtSpeedForTime ports speed msDuration brake =
    turnMotorAtSpeedForTime' ports speed 0u msDuration 0u brake

// yes, you can also play music :)
let playTone volume frequency duration =
        [Byte volume
         UShort frequency
         UShort duration ])

You can try to put a few commands in the list and send them to the brick. It should work.

Computation Expression

To make it better, we continue with a lego computation expression that builds a full program taking commands and async local computations.

It is used to compose functions that takes a Brick and return an async:

type Lego<'a> = Brick -> Async<'a>

This is a classic Computation expression (not an applicative).

type LegoBuilder() =

The Bind method takes a Lego<'a> and a function that takes a 'a as an input to return a Lego<'b>. The result should be a Lego<'b>, so we write a lambda that takes a Brick.

We pass this brick to x, to get an Async<'a>, we pass the value from this async to f using async.Bind.

    member __.Bind(x : Lego<'a>, f : 'a -> Lego<'b> ) : Lego<'b> = 
        fun brick ->
            async.Bind(x brick, fun v -> f v brick)

This overload does quite the same but directly takes a Command list and send it

    member __.Bind(command : Command list, f : unit -> Lego<'b> ) : Lego<'b> = 
        fun brick ->
            async.Bind(send command brick, fun () -> f () brick)

Same thing for a single command

    member __.Bind(command : Command, f : unit -> Lego<'b> ) : Lego<'b> = 
        fun brick ->
            async.Bind(send [command] brick, fun () -> f () brick)

We can also do it for simple Async<'a> (for instance Async.Sleep(1000)). In this case we just bind it directly.

    member __.Bind(x : Async<'a>, f : 'a -> Lego<'b> ) : Lego<'b> = 
        fun brick ->
            async.Bind(x, fun v -> f v brick)

Return creates a Lego<'a> from a value. It just takes a brick that it will not use and returns an Async with the value.

    member __.Return x : Lego<'a> = fun _ -> async.Return x

Other methods implement return!, for, combination sequenced calls, etc.

    // needed for return!
    member __.ReturnFrom x = x 

    // needed for for .. in .. do expressions
    member __.For<'T>(values : 'T seq, body: 'T -> Lego<unit>) = 
        fun brick ->
            async.For(values, fun t -> body t brick)

    // needed to have several do! combined
    member __.Combine(x, y) : Lego<'a>=
        fun ctx ->
            async.Combine(x ctx, y ctx)
    member __.Delay(f: unit -> Lego<'a>) =
        fun ctx ->
            async.Delay(fun () -> f () ctx)

    // needed for if without else
    member __.Zero() = fun ctx -> async.Zero()

    // needed for use
    member __.Using(d, f) = fun ctx ->
        async.Using(d, f ctx)

The run functions takes a Lego function, starts it asynchronously and returns a cancellation token to stop it.

let run brick (f: Lego<unit>) = 
    let cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource()
    Async.Start(f brick, cancelToken.Token)

The runSynchronously functions takes a Lego<'a> function, and runs it synchronously

let runSynchronously brick (f: Lego<'a>) = 
    Async.RunSynchronously(f brick)

We choose lego for our Computation Expression name

let lego = LegoBuilder()

Let's play

Here is a sample that connects to COM9 and repeat 3 times a batch of commands to turn motor in port A in one direction for 1 second, then in the other direction for another second. It stops motors once done.

let sample() =
    use brick = new Brick("COM9")

    lego {
            for i in 0..3 do
               do! [ turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] 50 1000u NoBrake
                     outputReady [A]
                     turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] -50 1000u NoBrake
                     outputReady [A] ] 
            do! stopMotor [A] NoBrake }
            |> runSynchronously brick


The Ev3 comes with 3 default sensors, Color, Touch and IR. Extra gyroscopic and ultrasound sensors can be acquired separately.

Sensors are connected to input ports (1 to 4). Motor ports (A to D) can also be read to get the rotation of the motors:

type InputPort =
    | In1
    | In2
    | In3
    | In4
    | InA
    | InB
    | InC
    | InD

/// gets the binary code for an input port
let inputPort = function 
                | In1 -> 0x00uy
                | In2 -> 0x01uy 
                | In3 -> 0x02uy
                | In4 -> 0x03uy
                | InA -> 0x10uy
                | InB -> 0x11uy
                | InC -> 0x12uy 
                | InD -> 0x13uy
                >> Byte

Sensors can return different values

  • Color, ambient light, reflected light for the color sensor
  • Touch can return pressed/released state or bumps
  • IR can return proximity, and remote buttons state...

each of this mode correspond to a 1 byte value

type Mode =
    | TouchMode of TouchMode
    | ColorMode of ColorMode
    | IRMode of IRMode
and TouchMode = Touch | Bumps
and ColorMode = Reflective | Ambient | Color | ReflectiveRaw | ReflectiveRgb | Calibration
and IRMode = Proximity | Seek | Remote | RemoteA | SAlt | Calibrate

let modeToUInt8 = function
    | TouchMode Touch -> 0uy
    | TouchMode Bumps -> 1uy   
    | ColorMode Reflective -> 0uy
    | ColorMode Ambient -> 1uy
    | ColorMode Color -> 2uy
    | ColorMode ReflectiveRaw -> 3uy
    | ColorMode ReflectiveRgb -> 4uy
    | ColorMode Calibration -> 5uy
    | IRMode Proximity -> 0uy
    | IRMode Seek -> 1uy
    | IRMode Remote -> 2uy
    | IRMode RemoteA -> 3uy
    | IRMode SAlt -> 4uy
    | IRMode Calibrate -> 5uy

Different units are used depending on the sensor value:

type ReadDataType =
    | SI            // a 4 bytes single (floating) value
    | Raw           // a 4 bytes integer
    | Percent       // a 1 byte percent
    | RGB           // 3 2 bytes integers

/// gets the byte length for each data type
let readDataTypeLen = function
    | ReadDataType.SI -> 4
    | ReadDataType.Raw -> 4
    | ReadDataType.Percent -> 1
    | ReadDataType.RGB -> 6

Read command

Each of the datatypes corresponds to a different read opcode:

let readOpcode = function
    | ReadDataType.SI -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadySI
    | ReadDataType.Raw -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyRaw
    | ReadDataType.RGB -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyRaw // rgb is a specific Raw read
    | ReadDataType.Percent -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyPct

With this opcode we can create a read command as we did previously. The position parameter is the position of the corresponding value in the response bytes.

let readCommand (inPort, dataType, mode) position =
    Direct(readOpcode dataType ,
            [Byte 0uy
             inputPort inPort
             Byte 0uy
             Byte (modeToUInt8 mode)
             Byte 1uy
             GlobalIndex (uint8 position)])

For a single sensor request, it's easy, just pass 0 for position, and read the value at the start of the response.

The send function defined before was not waiting for a response. We create a request function the same way, but asks for a reply and use AsyncRequest to get a response. It checks the reply type (a byte just after response length).

type ReplyType =
| DirectReply = 0x02
| SystemReply = 0x03
| DirectReplyError = 0x04
| SystemReplyError = 0x05

let request commands globalSize =
    fun (brick: Brick) ->
        async {
            let sequence = brick.GetNextSequence()
            use data =
                |> serialize sequence CommandType.directReply globalSize

            let! response = brick.AsyncRequest(sequence, Memory.op_Implicit data.Memory)
            let replyType = enum<ReplyType> (int response.Span.[2])
            if replyType = ReplyType.DirectReplyError || replyType = ReplyType.SystemReplyError then
                failwith "An error occurred"
            return response

To query multiple sensors at once, we can create multiple read commands with different positions, and send them in a single batch. It avoids multiple roundtrip through bluetooth which can be expensive. The problem is that setting response value position can be error prone.

With the readDataTypeLen we can know the size of the value, and accumulate them to compute the offset. A readLength function that extracts the length from the triplet will make our life easier:

let readLength (_,dataType,_) = readDataTypeLen dataType

We accumulate the sizes as offsets using a mapFold. The accumulator in mapFold takes a state (the offset) and an input (the sensor parameters), and outputs a value (the command built using the offset) and a new state (the new offset computed by adding the value length).

This way we get a list of command with the rights offsets as well as the total length passed as globalSize.

To interpret the result, we use mapFold again. Now the state is a ReadOnlyMemory<byte> starting at the 3rd byte (to skip the size and response status, the reason for the Slice(3)). For each item, we compute its length. The item is a pair of the sensors parameter and a slice containing the value. The state is sliced to skip the bytes from current value and start at the next one.

We combine it with a call to request to have this function that takes a brick and a list of sensor parameters and returns a map of sensor parameters and their value as a ReadOnlyMemory<byte>.

let readAux brick inputs =
    async {
        if List.isEmpty inputs then
            return Map.empty
            let commands, globalSize =
                |> List.mapFold (fun offset input -> 
                    readCommand input offset, (offset + readLength input)

            let! data = 
                request commands (uint16 globalSize) brick

            let sensorsData = data.Slice(3)
            let response =
                |> List.mapFold (fun (data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>) input ->
                    let length = readLength input 
                    (input, data.Slice(0, length)),
                |> fst
                |> Map.ofList
            return response


We solved the problem of values offsets, but a few challenge remain. First the result is still in the form of a ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, and we should be careful to read it accordingly to the requested data. Then we have to be sure we don't try to look for values in the result that we did not request.

If you've read previous posts already, you'll recognize the Query<'t> applicative. Here we will create a Sensor<'t> type:

type InputRequest = InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode

type Sensor<'t> =
    { Inputs: InputRequest Set 
      Get: Map<InputRequest, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> -> 't }

It contains a set of inputs to request, and a function to extract a value of type 't from the result of our readAux function.

For instance the simplest way to create a sensor from an input:

let input (req: InputRequest) =
    { Inputs = Set.singleton req 
      Get = fun m -> m.[req] }

It indicates that it should request the given input and gets it from the map. The result will be a ReadOnlyMemory<byte>.

Creating a read functions that takes a Sensor<'t> and calls readAux is straightforward:

let read (sensor: Sensor<'t>)  =
    fun brick ->
        async {
            let inputs = Set.toList sensor.Inputs 
            // gets the Map response for requested inputs
            let! response = readAux brick inputs 
            // use the sensor.Get to extract value from response
            return sensor.Get response

Using a Sensor<'t> and read, no way to get it wrong.

Now we want to create more complex sensors by combining simple ones.


We can create a pure sensor, a sensor that request no inputs and return a given value:

let ret x =
    { Inputs = Set.empty 
      Get = fun _ -> x }

It will be useful later.


We can define a map operation on it (yes, it's a functor). It takes a 'a -> 'b functions and changes a Sensor<'a> to a Sensor<'b>:

let map (f: 'a -> 'b) (s: Sensor<'a>) : Sensor<'b> =
    { Inputs = s.Inputs 
      Get = fun m -> s.Get m |> f }

It requests the same inputs at the given sensor, gets its value and pass it to f.


More interesting, we can define a map2 that takes to sensors, and pass their values to a function to compute a single result. This result will also be a sensor that request for inputs of both, and combine their results using f:

let map2 f sx sy =
    { Inputs = sx.Inputs + sy.Inputs  // union of inputs
      Get = fun m ->
        let x = sx.Get m    // get value for sensor sx
        let y = sy.Get m    // get value for sensor sy
        f x y }             // combine the values using f

We can use map2 to zip sensors. It takes to sensors and create a single sensor that contains both values as a tuple:

let zip sx sy = map2 (fun x y -> x,y) sx sy


The problem with map2, is that it works only with 2 sensors. For 3 sensors we would have to create a map3. And a map4, map5 etc.

But in F#, every function is a function of 1 argument due to currying. A function of type int -> bool -> string can be used as a int -> (bool -> string), it takes a single int argument and returns a function that takes a bool and returns a string.

Passing this function to map with a sensor of type Sensor<int>, we get a Sensor<bool -> string>. The meaning of this signature can seem obscure at first. It says that if you give this to the read function above, it will make a request and use the response values to build a bool -> string result. if you pass a bool to this result, you get a string.

But we would like the bool to also be read from a sensor. So we have a Sensor<bool -> string> and a Sensor<bool>. We can obviously use map2 on this pair of sensors. map2 will pass the values of the sensors to the function passed as an argument. The first argument of this function will be a bool -> string, the second a bool. We can pass the bool value to the bool -> string function to get a string. The result will be a Sensor<string>.

I used specific types to make it simpler by it works for any type:

let apply (sf: Sensor<'a -> 'b>) (sx: Sensor<'a>) : Sensor<'b> =
    map2 (fun f x -> f x) sf sx

Typed basic sensors

For a given data type, the conversion should always be the same. We create a function for each data type.

Each of the inputXXX functions take a port and a mode are returns a typed sensor.

let typedInput dataType convert =
    fun port mode ->
        input (port, dataType, mode) |> map convert

let inputSi = typedInput ReadDataType.SI (fun data -> BitConverter.ToSingle(data.Span))
let inputRaw = typedInput ReadDataType.Raw (fun data -> BitConverter.ToInt32(data.Span))
let inputPct = typedInput ReadDataType.Percent (fun data -> int data.Span.[0])
let inputRgb = typedInput ReadDataType.RGB (fun data -> 
    let span = data.Span
    let r = BitConverter.ToUInt16(span)
    let g = BitConverter.ToUInt16(span.Slice(2))
    let b = BitConverter.ToUInt16(span.Slice(4))
    int r, int g, int b

Using this functions we define more interesting sensors

// the state of the touch sensor
type ButtonState =
    | Pushed
    | Released

// the colors of the color sensor
type Color =
    | Transparent
    | Black
    | Blue
    | Green
    | Yellow
    | Red
    | White
    | Brown

module Sensors =
    module Color =
        let reflective port = inputPct port (ColorMode ColorMode.Reflective)
        let ambient port = inputPct port (ColorMode ColorMode.Ambient)

        // here we use the SI single result
        // and map it to a Color
        let color port =
            inputSi port (ColorMode ColorMode.Color)
            |> map (function
                    | 1.f -> Black
                    | 2.f -> Blue
                    | 3.f -> Green
                    | 4.f -> Yellow
                    | 5.f -> Red
                    | 6.f -> White
                    | 7.f -> Brown
                    | _ -> Transparent)
        module Raw =
            let reflective port = inputRaw port (ColorMode ColorMode.ReflectiveRaw)
            // this one use a RGB type, the result is read as a RGB triplet
            let rgb port = inputRgb port (ColorMode ColorMode.ReflectiveRgb)

    module IR =
        let proximity port = inputPct port (IRMode Proximity)

    module Touch =
        // the SI single result is mapped to Pushed/Released
        let button port = 
            inputSi port (TouchMode Touch)
            |> map (function 1.f -> Pushed | _ -> Released)


Prior to F# 5.0 it is not possible to implement applicatives with computation expressions. Instead we can define <!> for map and <*> for apply to get infix syntax.

<!> takes a function on a left and a sensor on the right. We get a sensor with the argument applied. If it was a simple 1 argument function, we get a sensor of the result:

let (<!>) = map
let (<*>) = apply

let isRed port : Sensor<bool> =
    (fun c -> c = Red) 
    <!> Sensors.Color.color port

If the function take several parameters, we get a sensor of a function as a result. We can use it with <*>, the operator for apply:

let colorAndProximityIfPushed : Sensor<(Color * int) option> =
    (fun color proximity button ->
        match button with
        | Pushed -> Some (color, proximity)
        | Released -> None)
    <!> Sensors.Color.color In1
    <*> Sensors.IR.proximity In2
    <*> Sensors.Touch.button In3

This is a composite sensor that gets the state from the Touch sensor in input 3, color from Color sensor in input 1, and proximity from IR sensor on input 2. It returns None when the button is released, and Some(color, proximity) when the button is pushed.

Sensor Computation Expression

With F# 5.0 we can replace these operators by a computation expression.

We create a builder type as usual but implement BindReturn as map (with arguments swapped), and MergeSources as zip.

We can also provide a Bind2Return for the 2 parameter cases as map2.

The Return is implemented using ret, the pure value sensor:

type SensorBuilder() =
    member _.BindReturn(x: 'a Sensor,f : 'a -> 'b) : 'b Sensor = map f x

    member _.MergeSources(x: 'a Sensor, y: 'b Sensor) : ('a * 'b) Sensor = zip x y

    member _.Bind2Return(x: 'a Sensor,y: 'b Sensor,f : 'a*'b -> 'c) : 'c Sensor = 
        map2 (fun x y -> f(x,y)) x y

    member _.Return x = ret x

let sensor = SensorBuilder()

Let's rewrite colorAndProximityIfPushed sensor with this computation expression:

let colorWhenPushed =
    sensor {
        let! color = Sensors.Color.color In1
        and! proximity = Sensors.IR.proximity In2
        and! button = Sensors.Touch.button In3

        return match button with
               | Pushed -> Some (color, proximity)
               | Released -> None

Notice the usage of and! to combine all the sensors together.

We put it all together in a final sample:

let sample2() =
    use brick = new Brick("COM9")

    lego {

        for i in 0 .. 100 do
            let! value = read (
                            sensor {
                                let! color = Sensors.Color.Raw.rgb In1
                                and! b = Sensors.Touch.button In2
                                and! prox = Sensors.IR.proximity In3

                                match b with
                                | Pushed -> return Some (color,prox)
                                | Released -> return None
            printfn "%A" value

    } |> runSynchronously brick

Take your time to extend it to send any command and combine any sensors in a friendly and readable way.

The applicative computation expression for sensors provide a safe API over an error prone low level protocol. The syntax of computation expressions is also less obscure to newcomers than the <!> and <*> operators that can be a bit hard to explain.

Now you know what to ask Santa for Xmas ! Happy Xmas !

type Sequence = uint16
Multiple items
val uint16: value: 'T -> uint16 (requires member op_Explicit)

type uint16 = System.UInt16

type uint16<'Measure> = uint16
namespace System
namespace System.Threading
namespace System.Text
namespace System.Buffers
namespace System.Buffers.Binary
type Dispatch = | Request of sequence: Sequence * (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit) | Forward of sequence: Sequence * ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type ReadOnlyMemory<'T> = new: array: 'T array -> unit + 1 overload member CopyTo: destination: Memory<'T> -> unit member Equals: obj: obj -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member Pin: unit -> MemoryHandle member Slice: start: int -> ReadOnlyMemory<'T> + 1 overload member ToArray: unit -> 'T array member ToString: unit -> string member TryCopyTo: destination: Memory<'T> -> bool static member op_Implicit: segment: ArraySegment<'T> -> ReadOnlyMemory<'T> + 1 overload ...
<summary>Represents a contiguous region of memory, similar to <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1" />. Unlike <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1" />, it is not a byref-like type.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The object type from which the contiguous region of memory will be read.</typeparam>

ReadOnlyMemory ()
ReadOnlyMemory(array: 'T array) : ReadOnlyMemory<'T>
ReadOnlyMemory(array: 'T array, start: int, length: int) : ReadOnlyMemory<'T>
Multiple items
val byte: value: 'T -> byte (requires member op_Explicit)

type byte = Byte

type byte<'Measure> = byte
type unit = Unit
val responseDispatcher: unit -> MailboxProcessor<Dispatch>
Multiple items
type MailboxProcessor<'Msg> = interface IDisposable new: body: (MailboxProcessor<'Msg> -> Async<unit>) * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> MailboxProcessor<'Msg> + 1 overload member Dispose: unit -> unit member Post: message: 'Msg -> unit member PostAndAsyncReply: buildMessage: (AsyncReplyChannel<'Reply> -> 'Msg) * ?timeout: int -> Async<'Reply> member PostAndReply: buildMessage: (AsyncReplyChannel<'Reply> -> 'Msg) * ?timeout: int -> 'Reply member PostAndTryAsyncReply: buildMessage: (AsyncReplyChannel<'Reply> -> 'Msg) * ?timeout: int -> Async<'Reply option> member Receive: ?timeout: int -> Async<'Msg> member Scan: scanner: ('Msg -> Async<'T> option) * ?timeout: int -> Async<'T> member TryPostAndReply: buildMessage: (AsyncReplyChannel<'Reply> -> 'Msg) * ?timeout: int -> 'Reply option ...

new: body: (MailboxProcessor<'Msg> -> Async<unit>) * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> MailboxProcessor<'Msg>
new: body: (MailboxProcessor<'Msg> -> Async<unit>) * isThrowExceptionAfterDisposed: bool * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> MailboxProcessor<'Msg>
static member MailboxProcessor.Start: body: (MailboxProcessor<'Msg> -> Async<unit>) * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> MailboxProcessor<'Msg>
static member MailboxProcessor.Start: body: (MailboxProcessor<'Msg> -> Async<unit>) * isThrowExceptionAfterDisposed: bool * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> MailboxProcessor<'Msg>
val mailbox: MailboxProcessor<Dispatch>
val loop: requests: Map<Sequence,(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit)> -> Async<'a>
val requests: Map<Sequence,(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit)>
val async: AsyncBuilder
val message: Dispatch
member MailboxProcessor.Receive: ?timeout: int -> Async<'Msg>
val newMap: Map<Sequence,(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit)>
union case Dispatch.Request: sequence: Sequence * (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit) -> Dispatch
val sequence: Sequence
val reply: (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> unit)
Multiple items
module Map from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Map<'Key,'Value (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IEnumerable interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface ICollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IDictionary<'Key,'Value> new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value> member Add: key: 'Key * value: 'Value -> Map<'Key,'Value> ...

new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value>
val add: key: 'Key -> value: 'T -> table: Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T> (requires comparison)
union case Dispatch.Forward: sequence: Sequence * ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> Dispatch
val response: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
val tryFind: key: 'Key -> table: Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T option (requires comparison)
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val remove: key: 'Key -> table: Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T> (requires comparison)
union case Option.None: Option<'T>
val empty<'Key,'T (requires comparison)> : Map<'Key,'T> (requires comparison)
Multiple items
type Brick = interface IDisposable new: name: string -> Brick member AsyncRequest: sequence: Sequence * data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> Async<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> member AsyncWrite: data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> Async<unit> member Connect: unit -> unit member GetNextSequence: unit -> uint16

new: name: string -> Brick
val name: string
val port: IO.Ports.SerialPort
namespace System.IO
namespace System.IO.Ports
Multiple items
type SerialPort = inherit Component new: unit -> unit + 6 overloads member Close: unit -> unit member DiscardInBuffer: unit -> unit member DiscardOutBuffer: unit -> unit member Open: unit -> unit member Read: buffer: byte array * offset: int * count: int -> int + 1 overload member ReadByte: unit -> int member ReadChar: unit -> int member ReadExisting: unit -> string ...

IO.Ports.SerialPort() : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(container: ComponentModel.IContainer) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(portName: string) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(portName: string, baudRate: int) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(portName: string, baudRate: int, parity: IO.Ports.Parity) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(portName: string, baudRate: int, parity: IO.Ports.Parity, dataBits: int) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
IO.Ports.SerialPort(portName: string, baudRate: int, parity: IO.Ports.Parity, dataBits: int, stopBits: IO.Ports.StopBits) : IO.Ports.SerialPort
val dispatcher: MailboxProcessor<Dispatch>
val mutable sequence: int
IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open() : unit
val reader: IO.BinaryReader
Multiple items
type BinaryReader = interface IDisposable new: input: Stream -> unit + 2 overloads member Close: unit -> unit member Dispose: unit -> unit member PeekChar: unit -> int member Read: unit -> int + 4 overloads member Read7BitEncodedInt: unit -> int member Read7BitEncodedInt64: unit -> int64 member ReadBoolean: unit -> bool member ReadByte: unit -> byte ...
<summary>Reads primitive data types as binary values in a specific encoding.</summary>

IO.BinaryReader(input: IO.Stream) : IO.BinaryReader
IO.BinaryReader(input: IO.Stream, encoding: Encoding) : IO.BinaryReader
IO.BinaryReader(input: IO.Stream, encoding: Encoding, leaveOpen: bool) : IO.BinaryReader
property IO.Ports.SerialPort.BaseStream: IO.Stream with get
event IO.Ports.SerialPort.DataReceived: IEvent<IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler,IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs>
Multiple items
module Event from Microsoft.FSharp.Control

type Event<'T> = new: unit -> Event<'T> member Trigger: arg: 'T -> unit member Publish: IEvent<'T>

type Event<'Delegate,'Args (requires delegate and 'Delegate :> Delegate and reference type)> = new: unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args> member Trigger: sender: objnull * args: 'Args -> unit member Publish: IEvent<'Delegate,'Args>

new: unit -> Event<'T>

new: unit -> Event<'Delegate,'Args>
val add: callback: ('T -> unit) -> sourceEvent: IEvent<'Del,'T> -> unit (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate)
val e: IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs
property IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs.EventType: IO.Ports.SerialData with get
[<Struct>] type SerialData = | Chars = 1 | Eof = 2
field IO.Ports.SerialData.Chars: IO.Ports.SerialData = 1
val size: int16
IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt16() : int16
val response: byte array
IO.BinaryReader.ReadBytes(count: int) : byte array
Multiple items
val int: value: 'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
val sequence: uint16
type BitConverter = static member DoubleToInt64Bits: value: float -> int64 static member DoubleToUInt64Bits: value: float -> uint64 static member GetBytes: value: bool -> byte array + 12 overloads static member HalfToInt16Bits: value: Half -> int16 static member HalfToUInt16Bits: value: Half -> uint16 static member Int16BitsToHalf: value: int16 -> Half static member Int32BitsToSingle: value: int -> float32 static member Int64BitsToDouble: value: int64 -> float static member SingleToInt32Bits: value: float32 -> int static member SingleToUInt32Bits: value: float32 -> uint32 ...
<summary>Converts base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types.</summary>
BitConverter.ToUInt16(value: ReadOnlySpan<byte>) : uint16
BitConverter.ToUInt16(value: byte array, startIndex: int) : uint16
member MailboxProcessor.Post: message: 'Msg -> unit
type Interlocked = static member Add: location1: byref<int> * value: int -> int + 3 overloads static member And: location1: byref<int> * value: int -> int + 3 overloads static member CompareExchange: location1: byref<float> * value: float * comparand: float -> float + 13 overloads static member Decrement: location: byref<int> -> int + 3 overloads static member Exchange: location1: byref<float> * value: float -> float + 13 overloads static member Increment: location: byref<int> -> int + 3 overloads static member MemoryBarrier: unit -> unit static member MemoryBarrierProcessWide: unit -> unit static member Or: location1: byref<int> * value: int -> int + 3 overloads static member Read: location: byref<int64> -> int64 + 1 overload
<summary>Provides atomic operations for variables that are shared by multiple threads.</summary>
Interlocked.Increment(location: byref<uint64>) : uint64
Interlocked.Increment(location: byref<uint32>) : uint32
Interlocked.Increment(location: byref<int64>) : int64
Interlocked.Increment(location: byref<int>) : int
Multiple items
val uint16: value: 'T -> uint16 (requires member op_Explicit)

type uint16 = UInt16

type uint16<'Measure> = uint16
val data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
val task: Tasks.ValueTask
IO.Stream.WriteAsync(buffer: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>, ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : Tasks.ValueTask
IO.Stream.WriteAsync(buffer: byte array, offset: int, count: int) : Tasks.Task
IO.Stream.WriteAsync(buffer: byte array, offset: int, count: int, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) : Tasks.Task
property Tasks.ValueTask.IsCompleted: bool with get
<summary>Gets a value that indicates whether this object represents a completed operation.</summary>
<returns><see langword="true" /> if this object represents a completed operation; otherwise, <see langword="false" />.</returns>
member AsyncBuilder.Return: value: 'T -> Async<'T>
Multiple items
type Async = static member AsBeginEnd: computation: ('Arg -> Async<'T>) -> ('Arg * AsyncCallback * objnull -> IAsyncResult) * (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * (IAsyncResult -> unit) static member AwaitEvent: event: IEvent<'Del,'T> * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> (requires delegate and 'Del :> Delegate) static member AwaitIAsyncResult: iar: IAsyncResult * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member AwaitTask: task: Task<'T> -> Async<'T> + 1 overload static member AwaitWaitHandle: waitHandle: WaitHandle * ?millisecondsTimeout: int -> Async<bool> static member CancelDefaultToken: unit -> unit static member Catch: computation: Async<'T> -> Async<Choice<'T,exn>> static member Choice: computations: Async<'T option> seq -> Async<'T option> static member FromBeginEnd: beginAction: (AsyncCallback * objnull -> IAsyncResult) * endAction: (IAsyncResult -> 'T) * ?cancelAction: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T> + 3 overloads static member FromContinuations: callback: (('T -> unit) * (exn -> unit) * (OperationCanceledException -> unit) -> unit) -> Async<'T> ...

type Async<'T>
static member Async.AwaitTask: task: Tasks.Task -> Async<unit>
static member Async.AwaitTask: task: Tasks.Task<'T> -> Async<'T>
Tasks.ValueTask.AsTask() : Tasks.Task
val this: Brick
member Brick.AsyncWrite: data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> Async<unit>
member MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply: buildMessage: (AsyncReplyChannel<'Reply> -> 'Msg) * ?timeout: int -> Async<'Reply>
val reply: AsyncReplyChannel<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
member AsyncReplyChannel.Reply: value: 'Reply -> unit
type IDisposable = override Dispose: unit -> unit
<summary>Provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources.</summary>
IO.Ports.SerialPort.Close() : unit
Multiple items
val byte: value: 'T -> byte (requires member op_Explicit)

type byte = System.Byte

type byte<'Measure> = byte
val directReply: byte
val directNoReply: byte
val systemReply: byte
val systemNoReply: byte
[<Struct>] type Opcode = | UIRead_GetFirmware = 33034 | UIWrite_LED = 33307 | UIButton_Pressed = 33545 | UIDraw_Update = 33792 | UIDraw_Clean = 33793 | UIDraw_Pixel = 33794 | UIDraw_Line = 33795 | UIDraw_Circle = 33796 | UIDraw_Text = 33797 | UIDraw_FillRect = 33801 | UIDraw_Rect = 33802 | UIDraw_InverseRect = 33808 | UIDraw_SelectFont = 33809 | UIDraw_Topline = 33810 | UIDraw_FillWindow = 33811 | UIDraw_DotLine = 33813 | UIDraw_FillCircle = 33816 | UIDraw_BmpFile = 33820 | Sound_Break = 37888 | Sound_Tone = 37889 | Sound_Play = 37890 | Sound_Repeat = 37891 | Sound_Service = 37892 | InputDevice_GetTypeMode = 39173 | InputDevice_GetDeviceName = 39189 | InputDevice_GetModeName = 39190 | InputDevice_ReadyPct = 39195 | InputDevice_ReadyRaw = 39196 | InputDevice_ReadySI = 39197 | InputDevice_ClearAll = 39178 | InputDevice_ClearChanges = 39194 | InputRead = 154 | InputReadExt = 158 | InputReadSI = 157 | OutputStop = 163 | OutputPower = 164 | OutputSpeed = 165 | OutputStart = 166 | OutputPolarity = 167 | OutputReady = 170 | OutputStepPower = 172 | OutputTimePower = 173 | OutputStepSpeed = 174 | OutputTimeSpeed = 175 | OutputStepSync = 176 | OutputTimeSync = 177
[<Struct>] type SystemOpcode = | BeginDownload = 146 | ContinueDownload = 147 | CloseFileHandle = 152 | CreateDirectory = 155 | DeleteFile = 156
type Buffer = static member BlockCopy: src: Array * srcOffset: int * dst: Array * dstOffset: int * count: int -> unit static member ByteLength: array: Array -> int static member GetByte: array: Array * index: int -> byte static member MemoryCopy: source: voidptr * destination: voidptr * destinationSizeInBytes: int64 * sourceBytesToCopy: int64 -> unit + 1 overload static member SetByte: array: Array * index: int * value: byte -> unit
<summary>Manipulates arrays of primitive types.</summary>
val write: value: byte -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val value: byte
val buffer: Span<byte>
Span.Slice(start: int) : Span<byte>
Span.Slice(start: int, length: int) : Span<byte>
val writeUint16: value: uint16 -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val value: uint16
type BinaryPrimitives = static member ReadDoubleBigEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> float static member ReadDoubleLittleEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> float static member ReadHalfBigEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> Half static member ReadHalfLittleEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> Half static member ReadInt128BigEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> Int128 static member ReadInt128LittleEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> Int128 static member ReadInt16BigEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> int16 static member ReadInt16LittleEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> int16 static member ReadInt32BigEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> int static member ReadInt32LittleEndian: source: ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> int ...
<summary>Reads bytes as primitives with specific endianness.</summary>
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16LittleEndian(destination: Span<byte>, value: uint16) : unit
val writeUint16BE: value: uint16 -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt16BigEndian(destination: Span<byte>, value: uint16) : unit
val writeUInt32: value: uint32 -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val value: uint32
Multiple items
val uint32: value: 'T -> uint32 (requires member op_Explicit)

type uint32 = UInt32

type uint32<'Measure> = uint<'Measure>
BinaryPrimitives.WriteUInt32LittleEndian(destination: Span<byte>, value: uint32) : unit
val writeString: s: string -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val s: string
Multiple items
val string: value: 'T -> string

type string = String
val len: int
type Encoding = interface ICloneable member Clone: unit -> obj member Equals: value: obj -> bool member GetByteCount: chars: nativeptr<char> * count: int -> int + 5 overloads member GetBytes: chars: nativeptr<char> * charCount: int * bytes: nativeptr<byte> * byteCount: int -> int + 7 overloads member GetCharCount: bytes: nativeptr<byte> * count: int -> int + 3 overloads member GetChars: bytes: nativeptr<byte> * byteCount: int * chars: nativeptr<char> * charCount: int -> int + 4 overloads member GetDecoder: unit -> Decoder member GetEncoder: unit -> Encoder member GetHashCode: unit -> int ...
<summary>Represents a character encoding.</summary>
property Encoding.UTF8: Encoding with get
<summary>Gets an encoding for the UTF-8 format.</summary>
<returns>An encoding for the UTF-8 format.</returns>
(extension) Encoding.GetBytes(chars: inref<ReadOnlySequence<char>>) : byte array
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(s: string) : byte array
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(chars: char array) : byte array
   (+0 other overloads)
(extension) Encoding.GetBytes(chars: inref<ReadOnlySequence<char>>, writer: IBufferWriter<byte>) : int64
   (+0 other overloads)
(extension) Encoding.GetBytes(chars: inref<ReadOnlySequence<char>>, bytes: Span<byte>) : int
   (+0 other overloads)
(extension) Encoding.GetBytes(chars: ReadOnlySpan<char>, writer: IBufferWriter<byte>) : int64
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(chars: ReadOnlySpan<char>, bytes: Span<byte>) : int
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(s: string, index: int, count: int) : byte array
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(chars: char array, index: int, count: int) : byte array
   (+0 other overloads)
Encoding.GetBytes(chars: nativeptr<char>, charCount: int, bytes: nativeptr<byte>, byteCount: int) : int
   (+0 other overloads)
(extension) String.AsSpan() : ReadOnlySpan<char>
(extension) String.AsSpan(start: int) : ReadOnlySpan<char>
(extension) String.AsSpan(startIndex: Index) : ReadOnlySpan<char>
(extension) String.AsSpan(range: Range) : ReadOnlySpan<char>
(extension) String.AsSpan(start: int, length: int) : ReadOnlySpan<char>
val serializeOpcode: op: Opcode -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val op: Opcode
val enum: value: int32 -> 'U (requires enum)
val opcodeLength: code: 'a -> int (requires enum and comparison)
val code: 'a (requires enum and comparison)
type Parameter = | Byte of uint8 | UShort of uint16 | UInt of uint32 | String of string | GlobalIndex of uint8
[<Struct>] type Byte = member CompareTo: value: byte -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: byte -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member GetTypeCode: unit -> TypeCode member ToString: unit -> string + 3 overloads member TryFormat: utf8Destination: Span<byte> * bytesWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> * ?provider: IFormatProvider -> bool + 1 overload static member Clamp: value: byte * min: byte * max: byte -> byte static member CreateChecked<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte static member CreateSaturating<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte static member CreateTruncating<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte ...
<summary>Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
Multiple items
val uint8: value: 'T -> uint8 (requires member op_Explicit)

type uint8 = Byte

type uint8<'Measure> = byte<'Measure>
Multiple items
type String = interface IEnumerable<char> interface IEnumerable interface ICloneable interface IComparable interface IComparable<string> interface IConvertible interface IEquatable<string> interface IParsable<string> interface ISpanParsable<string> new: value: nativeptr<char> -> unit + 8 overloads ...
<summary>Represents text as a sequence of UTF-16 code units.</summary>

String(value: nativeptr<char>) : String
String(value: char array) : String
String(value: ReadOnlySpan<char>) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>) : String
String(c: char, count: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<char>, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: char array, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>, startIndex: int, length: int, enc: Encoding) : String
Multiple items
val byte: byte

type byte = Byte

type byte<'Measure> = byte
val short: byte
Multiple items
val int: byte

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> = int
Multiple items
val string: byte

type string = String
val globalIndex: byte
val serializeParam: p: Parameter -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val p: Parameter
Multiple items
union case Parameter.Byte: uint8 -> Parameter

[<Struct>] type Byte = member CompareTo: value: byte -> int + 1 overload member Equals: obj: byte -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member GetTypeCode: unit -> TypeCode member ToString: unit -> string + 3 overloads member TryFormat: utf8Destination: Span<byte> * bytesWritten: byref<int> * ?format: ReadOnlySpan<char> * ?provider: IFormatProvider -> bool + 1 overload static member Clamp: value: byte * min: byte * max: byte -> byte static member CreateChecked<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte static member CreateSaturating<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte static member CreateTruncating<'TOther (requires 'TOther :> INumberBase<'TOther>)> : value: 'TOther -> byte ...
<summary>Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.</summary>
val v: uint8
val b: Span<byte>
module ParamSize from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3
val byte: byte
union case Parameter.UShort: uint16 -> Parameter
val v: uint16
union case Parameter.UInt: uint32 -> Parameter
val v: uint32
val int: byte
Multiple items
union case Parameter.String: string -> Parameter

type String = interface IEnumerable<char> interface IEnumerable interface ICloneable interface IComparable interface IComparable<string> interface IConvertible interface IEquatable<string> interface IParsable<string> interface ISpanParsable<string> new: value: nativeptr<char> -> unit + 8 overloads ...
<summary>Represents text as a sequence of UTF-16 code units.</summary>

String(value: nativeptr<char>) : String
String(value: char array) : String
String(value: ReadOnlySpan<char>) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>) : String
String(c: char, count: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<char>, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: char array, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>, startIndex: int, length: int) : String
String(value: nativeptr<sbyte>, startIndex: int, length: int, enc: Encoding) : String
val string: byte
union case Parameter.GlobalIndex: uint8 -> Parameter
val paramLength: _arg1: Parameter -> int
val l: string
Encoding.GetByteCount(s: string) : int
Encoding.GetByteCount(chars: ReadOnlySpan<char>) : int
Encoding.GetByteCount(chars: char array) : int
Encoding.GetByteCount(chars: nativeptr<char>, count: int) : int
Encoding.GetByteCount(s: string, index: int, count: int) : int
Encoding.GetByteCount(chars: char array, index: int, count: int) : int
type Command = | Direct of Opcode * Parameter list
type 'T list = List<'T>
val length: _arg1: Command -> int
union case Command.Direct: Opcode * Parameter list -> Command
val code: Opcode
val parameters: Parameter list
Multiple items
module List from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List<'T> = | op_Nil | op_ColonColon of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list interface IReadOnlyList<'T> interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> member Equals: List<'T> * IEqualityComparer -> bool member GetReverseIndex: rank: int * offset: int -> int member GetSlice: startIndex: int option * endIndex: int option -> 'T list static member Cons: head: 'T * tail: 'T list -> 'T list member Head: 'T member IsEmpty: bool ...
val sumBy: projection: ('T -> 'U) -> list: 'T list -> 'U (requires member (+) and member Zero)
type Serializer<'t> = delegate of 't * Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val serializeAll: f: Serializer<'t> -> ps: 't list -> b: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val f: Serializer<'t>
val ps: 't list
val p: 't
val t: 't list
val b': Span<byte>
abstract Serializer.Invoke: 't * Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val serializeCommand: command: Command -> buffer: Span<byte> -> Span<byte>
val command: Command
val p: Parameter list
val serialize: sequence: uint16 -> commandType: byte -> globalSize: uint16 -> commands: Command list -> IMemoryOwner<byte>
val commandType: byte
val globalSize: uint16
val commands: Command list
val length: int
val rental: IMemoryOwner<byte>
type MemoryPool<'T> = interface IDisposable member Dispose: unit -> unit override Rent: ?minBufferSize: int -> IMemoryOwner<'T> member MaxBufferSize: int static member Shared: MemoryPool<'T>
<summary>Represents a pool of memory blocks.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type of the items in the memory pool.</typeparam>
property MemoryPool.Shared: MemoryPool<'T> with get
<summary>Gets a singleton instance of a memory pool based on arrays.</summary>
<returns>A singleton instance of a memory pool.</returns>
MemoryPool.Rent(?minBufferSize: int) : IMemoryOwner<'T>
val mem: Memory<byte>
property IMemoryOwner.Memory: Memory<byte> with get
<summary>Gets the memory belonging to this owner.</summary>
<returns>The memory belonging to this owner.</returns>
Memory.Slice(start: int) : Memory<byte>
Memory.Slice(start: int, length: int) : Memory<byte>
property Memory.Span: Span<byte> with get
<summary>Returns a span from the current instance.</summary>
<returns>A span created from the current <see cref="T:System.Memory`1" /> object.</returns>
type IMemoryOwner<'T> = inherit IDisposable member Memory: Memory<'T>
<summary>Identifies the owner of a block of memory who is responsible for disposing of the underlying memory appropriately.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type of elements to store in memory.</typeparam>
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type Memory<'T> = new: array: 'T array -> unit + 1 overload member CopyTo: destination: Memory<'T> -> unit member Equals: other: Memory<'T> -> bool + 1 overload member GetHashCode: unit -> int member Pin: unit -> MemoryHandle member Slice: start: int -> Memory<'T> + 1 overload member ToArray: unit -> 'T array member ToString: unit -> string member TryCopyTo: destination: Memory<'T> -> bool static member op_Implicit: segment: ArraySegment<'T> -> Memory<'T> + 2 overloads ...
<summary>Represents a contiguous region of memory.</summary>
<typeparam name="T">The type of items in the <see cref="T:System.Memory`1" />.</typeparam>

Memory ()
Memory(array: 'T array) : Memory<'T>
Memory(array: 'T array, start: int, length: int) : Memory<'T>
IDisposable.Dispose() : unit
val send: commands: Command list -> brick: Brick -> Async<unit>
val brick: Brick
member Brick.GetNextSequence: unit -> uint16
val memory: IMemoryOwner<byte>
module CommandType from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3
Memory.op_Implicit(array: 'T array) : Memory<'T>
Memory.op_Implicit(memory: Memory<'T>) : ReadOnlyMemory<'T>
Memory.op_Implicit(segment: ArraySegment<'T>) : Memory<'T>
type OutputPort = | A | B | C | D
union case OutputPort.A: OutputPort
union case OutputPort.B: OutputPort
union case OutputPort.C: OutputPort
union case OutputPort.D: OutputPort
val port: p: OutputPort list -> Parameter
val p: OutputPort list
val fold<'T,'State> : folder: ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> state: 'State -> list: 'T list -> 'State
val v: byte
val p: OutputPort
val startMotor: ports: OutputPort list -> Command
val ports: OutputPort list
Opcode.OutputStart: Opcode = 166
type Brake = | Brake | NoBrake static member toByte: b: Brake -> Parameter
val b: Brake
Multiple items
union case Brake.Brake: Brake

type Brake = | Brake | NoBrake static member toByte: b: Brake -> Parameter
union case Brake.NoBrake: Brake
val stopMotor: ports: OutputPort list -> brake: Brake -> Command
val brake: Brake
Opcode.OutputStop: Opcode = 163
static member Brake.toByte: b: Brake -> Parameter
Multiple items
union case Power.Power: uint8 -> Power

type Power = | Power of uint8
type Power = | Power of uint8
val power: p: int -> Power
val p: int
val invalidArg: argumentName: string -> message: string -> 'T
val outputReady: ports: OutputPort list -> Command
 wait for the end of previous command
Opcode.OutputReady: Opcode = 170
val turnMotorAtPower: ports: OutputPort list -> Power -> Command
val power: uint8
Opcode.OutputPower: Opcode = 164
val turnMotorAtSpeedForTime': ports: OutputPort list -> speed: int -> msRampUp: uint32 -> msConstant: uint32 -> msRampDown: uint32 -> brake: Brake -> Command
val speed: int
val msRampUp: uint32
val msConstant: uint32
val msRampDown: uint32
Opcode.OutputTimeSpeed: Opcode = 175
val turnMotorAtSpeedForTime: ports: OutputPort list -> speed: int -> msDuration: uint32 -> brake: Brake -> Command
val msDuration: uint32
val playTone: volume: uint8 -> frequency: uint16 -> duration: uint16 -> Command
val volume: uint8
val frequency: uint16
val duration: uint16
Opcode.Sound_Tone: Opcode = 37889
type Lego<'a> = Brick -> Async<'a>
Multiple items
type LegoBuilder = new: unit -> LegoBuilder member Bind: x: Async<'a> * f: ('a -> Brick -> Async<'b>) -> Lego<'b> + 3 overloads member Combine: x: (Brick -> Async<unit>) * y: (Brick -> Async<'a>) -> Lego<'a> member Delay: f: (unit -> Brick -> Async<'a>) -> (Brick -> Async<'a>) member For: values: 'T seq * body: ('T -> Brick -> Async<unit>) -> (Brick -> Async<unit>) member Return: x: 'a -> Lego<'a> member ReturnFrom: x: 'e -> 'e member Using: d: 'a * f: ('b -> 'a -> Async<'c>) -> ('b -> Async<'c>) (requires 'a :> IDisposable) member Zero: unit -> ('d -> Async<unit>)

new: unit -> LegoBuilder
val x: Lego<'a>
val f: ('a -> Brick -> Async<'b>)
member AsyncBuilder.Bind: computation: Async<'T> * binder: ('T -> Async<'U>) -> Async<'U>
val v: 'a
val __: LegoBuilder
val command: Command list
val f: (unit -> Brick -> Async<'b>)
val x: Async<'a>
val x: 'a
val x: 'e
val values: 'T seq
Multiple items
val seq: sequence: 'T seq -> 'T seq

type 'T seq = Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>
val body: ('T -> Brick -> Async<unit>)
member AsyncBuilder.For: sequence: 'T seq * body: ('T -> Async<unit>) -> Async<unit>
val t: 'T
val x: (Brick -> Async<unit>)
val y: (Brick -> Async<'a>)
val ctx: Brick
member AsyncBuilder.Combine: computation1: Async<unit> * computation2: Async<'T> -> Async<'T>
val f: (unit -> Brick -> Async<'a>)
member AsyncBuilder.Delay: generator: (unit -> Async<'T>) -> Async<'T>
val ctx: 'd
member AsyncBuilder.Zero: unit -> Async<unit>
val d: #IDisposable
val f: ('b -> #IDisposable -> Async<'c>)
val ctx: 'b
member AsyncBuilder.Using: resource: 'T * binder: ('T -> Async<'U>) -> Async<'U> (requires 'T :> IDisposable)
val run: brick: Brick -> f: Lego<unit> -> CancellationTokenSource
val f: Lego<unit>
val cancelToken: CancellationTokenSource
Multiple items
type CancellationTokenSource = interface IDisposable new: unit -> unit + 3 overloads member Cancel: unit -> unit + 1 overload member CancelAfter: millisecondsDelay: int -> unit + 1 overload member CancelAsync: unit -> Task member Dispose: unit -> unit member TryReset: unit -> bool static member CreateLinkedTokenSource: token: CancellationToken -> CancellationTokenSource + 3 overloads member IsCancellationRequested: bool member Token: CancellationToken
<summary>Signals to a <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken" /> that it should be canceled.</summary>

CancellationTokenSource() : CancellationTokenSource
CancellationTokenSource(millisecondsDelay: int) : CancellationTokenSource
CancellationTokenSource(delay: TimeSpan) : CancellationTokenSource
CancellationTokenSource(delay: TimeSpan, timeProvider: TimeProvider) : CancellationTokenSource
static member Async.Start: computation: Async<unit> * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> unit
property CancellationTokenSource.Token: CancellationToken with get
<summary>Gets the <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken" /> associated with this <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource" />.</summary>
<exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The token source has been disposed.</exception>
<returns>The <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken" /> associated with this <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource" />.</returns>
val runSynchronously: brick: Brick -> f: Lego<'a> -> 'a
val f: Lego<'a>
static member Async.RunSynchronously: computation: Async<'T> * ?timeout: int * ?cancellationToken: CancellationToken -> 'T
val lego: LegoBuilder
val sample: unit -> unit
member Brick.Connect: unit -> unit
val i: int
type InputPort = | In1 | In2 | In3 | In4 | InA | InB | InC | InD
val inputPort: (InputPort -> Parameter)
 gets the binary code for an input port
union case InputPort.In1: InputPort
union case InputPort.In2: InputPort
union case InputPort.In3: InputPort
union case InputPort.In4: InputPort
union case InputPort.InA: InputPort
union case InputPort.InB: InputPort
union case InputPort.InC: InputPort
union case InputPort.InD: InputPort
type Mode = | TouchMode of TouchMode | ColorMode of ColorMode | IRMode of IRMode
type TouchMode = | Touch | Bumps
type ColorMode = | Reflective | Ambient | Color | ReflectiveRaw | ReflectiveRgb | Calibration
type IRMode = | Proximity | Seek | Remote | RemoteA | SAlt | Calibrate
val modeToUInt8: _arg1: Mode -> byte
Multiple items
union case Mode.TouchMode: TouchMode -> Mode

type TouchMode = | Touch | Bumps
union case TouchMode.Touch: TouchMode
union case TouchMode.Bumps: TouchMode
Multiple items
union case Mode.ColorMode: ColorMode -> Mode

type ColorMode = | Reflective | Ambient | Color | ReflectiveRaw | ReflectiveRgb | Calibration
union case ColorMode.Reflective: ColorMode
union case ColorMode.Ambient: ColorMode
union case ColorMode.Color: ColorMode
union case ColorMode.ReflectiveRaw: ColorMode
union case ColorMode.ReflectiveRgb: ColorMode
union case ColorMode.Calibration: ColorMode
Multiple items
union case Mode.IRMode: IRMode -> Mode

type IRMode = | Proximity | Seek | Remote | RemoteA | SAlt | Calibrate
union case IRMode.Proximity: IRMode
union case IRMode.Seek: IRMode
union case IRMode.Remote: IRMode
union case IRMode.RemoteA: IRMode
union case IRMode.SAlt: IRMode
union case IRMode.Calibrate: IRMode
type ReadDataType = | SI | Raw | Percent | RGB
val readDataTypeLen: _arg1: ReadDataType -> int
 gets the byte length for each data type
union case ReadDataType.SI: ReadDataType
union case ReadDataType.Raw: ReadDataType
union case ReadDataType.Percent: ReadDataType
union case ReadDataType.RGB: ReadDataType
val readOpcode: _arg1: ReadDataType -> Opcode
Opcode.InputDevice_ReadySI: Opcode = 39197
Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyRaw: Opcode = 39196
Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyPct: Opcode = 39195
val readCommand: inPort: InputPort * dataType: ReadDataType * mode: Mode -> position: int -> Command
val inPort: InputPort
val dataType: ReadDataType
val mode: Mode
val position: int
[<Struct>] type ReplyType = | DirectReply = 2 | SystemReply = 3 | DirectReplyError = 4 | SystemReplyError = 5
val request: commands: Command list -> globalSize: uint16 -> brick: Brick -> Async<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
val data: IMemoryOwner<byte>
member Brick.AsyncRequest: sequence: Sequence * data: ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> Async<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
val replyType: ReplyType
property ReadOnlyMemory.Span: ReadOnlySpan<byte> with get
<summary>Gets a span from the memory region.</summary>
<returns>A memory span.</returns>
ReplyType.DirectReplyError: ReplyType = 4
ReplyType.SystemReplyError: ReplyType = 5
val failwith: message: string -> 'T
val readLength: 'a * dataType: ReadDataType * 'b -> int
val readAux: brick: Brick -> inputs: (InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode) list -> Async<Map<(InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode),ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>>
val inputs: (InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode) list
val isEmpty: list: 'T list -> bool
val globalSize: int
val mapFold<'T,'State,'Result> : mapping: ('State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) -> state: 'State -> list: 'T list -> 'Result list * 'State
val offset: int
val input: InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode
val sensorsData: ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
ReadOnlyMemory.Slice(start: int) : ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
ReadOnlyMemory.Slice(start: int, length: int) : ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
val response: Map<(InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode),ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
val fst: tuple: ('T1 * 'T2) -> 'T1
val ofList: elements: ('Key * 'T) list -> Map<'Key,'T> (requires comparison)
type InputRequest = InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode
type Sensor<'t> = { Inputs: Set<InputRequest> Get: (Map<InputRequest,ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> -> 't) }
Multiple items
module Set from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type Set<'T (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T> interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable interface IEnumerable<'T> interface ICollection<'T> new: elements: 'T seq -> Set<'T> member Add: value: 'T -> Set<'T> member Contains: value: 'T -> bool override Equals: objnull -> bool ...

new: elements: 'T seq -> Set<'T>
val input: InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode -> Sensor<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
val req: InputRequest
val singleton: value: 'T -> Set<'T> (requires comparison)
val m: Map<InputRequest,ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>
val read: sensor: Sensor<'t> -> brick: Brick -> Async<'t>
val sensor: Sensor<'t>
val inputs: InputRequest list
val toList: set: Set<'T> -> 'T list (requires comparison)
Sensor.Inputs: Set<InputRequest>
Sensor.Get: Map<InputRequest,ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> -> 't
val ret: x: 'a -> Sensor<'a>
val empty<'T (requires comparison)> : Set<'T> (requires comparison)
val map: f: ('a -> 'b) -> s: Sensor<'a> -> Sensor<'b>
val f: ('a -> 'b)
val s: Sensor<'a>
Sensor.Get: Map<InputRequest,ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> -> 'a
val map2: f: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> sx: Sensor<'a> -> sy: Sensor<'b> -> Sensor<'c>
val f: ('a -> 'b -> 'c)
val sx: Sensor<'a>
val sy: Sensor<'b>
val y: 'b
Sensor.Get: Map<InputRequest,ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> -> 'b
val zip: sx: Sensor<'a> -> sy: Sensor<'b> -> Sensor<'a * 'b>
val apply: sf: Sensor<('a -> 'b)> -> sx: Sensor<'a> -> Sensor<'b>
val sf: Sensor<('a -> 'b)>
val typedInput: dataType: ReadDataType -> convert: (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> 'a) -> port: InputPort -> mode: Mode -> Sensor<'a>
val convert: (ReadOnlyMemory<byte> -> 'a)
val port: InputPort
val inputSi: (InputPort -> Mode -> Sensor<float32>)
BitConverter.ToSingle(value: ReadOnlySpan<byte>) : float32
BitConverter.ToSingle(value: byte array, startIndex: int) : float32
val inputRaw: (InputPort -> Mode -> Sensor<int>)
BitConverter.ToInt32(value: ReadOnlySpan<byte>) : int
BitConverter.ToInt32(value: byte array, startIndex: int) : int
val inputPct: (InputPort -> Mode -> Sensor<int>)
val inputRgb: (InputPort -> Mode -> Sensor<int * int * int>)
val span: ReadOnlySpan<byte>
val r: uint16
val g: uint16
ReadOnlySpan.Slice(start: int) : ReadOnlySpan<byte>
ReadOnlySpan.Slice(start: int, length: int) : ReadOnlySpan<byte>
val b: uint16
type ButtonState = | Pushed | Released
Multiple items
union case ColorMode.Color: ColorMode

type Color = | Transparent | Black | Blue | Green | Yellow | Red | White | Brown
val reflective: port: InputPort -> Sensor<int>
val ambient: port: InputPort -> Sensor<int>
val color: port: InputPort -> Sensor<Color>
union case Color.Black: Color
union case Color.Blue: Color
union case Color.Green: Color
union case Color.Yellow: Color
union case Color.Red: Color
union case Color.White: Color
union case Color.Brown: Color
union case Color.Transparent: Color
val rgb: port: InputPort -> Sensor<int * int * int>
val proximity: port: InputPort -> Sensor<int>
val button: port: InputPort -> Sensor<ButtonState>
union case ButtonState.Pushed: ButtonState
union case ButtonState.Released: ButtonState
val isRed: port: InputPort -> Sensor<bool>
type bool = Boolean
val c: Color
module Sensors from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3
module Color from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3.Sensors
val colorAndProximityIfPushed: Sensor<(Color * int) option>
type 'T option = Option<'T>
val color: Color
val proximity: int
val button: ButtonState
module IR from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3.Sensors
module Touch from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3.Sensors
Multiple items
type SensorBuilder = new: unit -> SensorBuilder member Bind2Return: x: Sensor<'a> * y: Sensor<'b> * f: ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> Sensor<'c> member BindReturn: x: Sensor<'a> * f: ('a -> 'b) -> Sensor<'b> member MergeSources: x: Sensor<'a> * y: Sensor<'b> -> Sensor<'a * 'b> member Return: x: 'a -> Sensor<'a>

new: unit -> SensorBuilder
val x: Sensor<'a>
val y: Sensor<'b>
val f: ('a * 'b -> 'c)
val sensor: SensorBuilder
val colorWhenPushed: Sensor<(Color * int) option>
val sample2: unit -> unit
val value: ((int * int * int) * int) option
val color: int * int * int
module Raw from 2020-12-03-applicative-computation-expressions-3.Sensors.Color
val b: ButtonState
val prox: int
val printfn: format: Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T